Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Week #1

Topics Covered in Class:

  1. Introduction to the class

    1. Syllabus

    2. Schedule

  2. Introduction to Jay

    1. parsons

    2. multex

    3. bellwether

    4. thirdmind

    5. SENSEI

    6. E-A

    7. Art

  3. Tools we'll be using

      My Delicious tags are here and my tags for this class are here. (this was the course number for the first advanced web design course i taught and i've just kept this-- bookmark it for yourself so you don't forget it!

    • this blog

  4. Introduction to web 2.0

  5. REVIEW:

    • What is Functionality? "Functionality" refers to the features or functions provided by the product. The primary focus is on what the user can do with the product.

    • What is Usability? "Usability" refers to the ability to use a product easily, effectively, and efficiently to perform a task. The primary focus is on how people work with a product.

    • What are Aesthetics? "Aesthetics" are
      a set of generally agreed upon ideas about what makes effective communication in a given medium. Establishing an aesthetical sensibility requires that you look beyond your own personal likes and dislikes to evaluate a work within the medium in which it is presented.

    • The FUTURE of web design and avoiding obsolescence as a web designer

  6. REVIEW:

  7. REVIEW:

  8. Day One Skills Test

    In this in-class test you will be asked to create a simple web page from scratch.

    • Step 1, download this zip file right here

    • Step 2, unzip the file you will see
      • one photoshop document
      • one png screenshot

    • Step 3, using the photoshop file to find exact colors, sizes, and fonts and for the image of the "pirates" which you can crop out of the photoshop doc, recreate this screenshot as an html page as accurately as you can

    If you know how to use css do it, and make your page have an external style sheet, if you don't just build it however you know how to. If you know what i mean by "semantic markup" make the markup as semantic as you can. If you are unable to build a page like this, you should not be in this class.

  9. Finding a Client

Homework Week 1

  1. Buy the required textbooks from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. OR - Read them on Online Library

    • CSS
      , friends of ED (February 13, 2006), ISBN#1590596145

    • DOM
      , friends of ED (September 20, 2005), ISBN#1590595335

  2. Start looking for a small business client to work with this semester.

  3. Find five sites that are examples of excellence in web design and them, include why you chose them in the notes field

  4. Reading: The section of Chapter five of the Cluetrain Manifesto called Fort Business. If you are interested read the whole chapter.

  5. Create homework index page and post homework link (that is a link to your delicious tags) to it (or blog if necessary). Link homework page to this blog's comments section.



Shedadevil said...

Rashida Prattis

Lev said...

Lev Kanter

Najlah said...

Najlah Feanny Hicks

Tyler said...

Tyler Madsen

Eun Young (Elyssa)Lee said...

Eun Young (Elyssa) Lee

Unknown said...

Ken Karasawa

Natalia Suárez Bugarín said...

Natalia Suarez

Ara Ko said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yelena M. said...

Yelena Mirchevskaya

Mia said...

Jiyoung Yun

Dangerous Chris said...

Chris D'Angelo

Unknown said...

Ceci (Kyong A) Choi

Andre Vandenburg said...

Andre Vandenburg

Ara Ko said...

Ara Ko

Tyler said...

Yelena M. said...

Najlah said...

Posts to all my homework in Advanced Web

Najlah Hicks

Lev said...

sorry, i made a typo in the url.

Yelena M. said...

Anonymous said...

Jae Hwan Kim

Unknown said...

Miliam Kim